While the recession began around 2018, and is supposedly on the upswing now, there are still many people still struggling to get through as they barely hang on budgeting in higher food prices and astronomically higher gas prices. This economic downturn is one of the first times our modern age has really learned the need and power of having savings and less debt. Being frugal is a term that has become a necessity for many and just a smart way to live for others. If you are just contemplating how to start living frugally this is the place to be as we have a number of ways you can save extra money from your budget.
Gas & Electric
Many gas and electric companies offer audits to see how you can save money, including your heating and air condition. They will be able to help you see if you have leaks in your home that could be working against your heater and air conditioner. It may be worthwhile in the long run to replace your windows with new energy efficient brands to get a new good seal. They will probably also recommend that if you are not using it, unplug it. Even when not in use electrical devices will suck in some power, so if you add up everything you have plugged in, computers, televisions, radios, toasters, blenders, etc, you can attribute a good chunk of change that could be saved for your bank account instead.
Grocery Shopping
This is a bill that can really expand or decrease depending on what type of budget you are meeting. Great, simple ways to cut back are to make a list ahead of time and only buy what is on your list and buy generic when there is an option. Walking the isles of the grocery store can be very tempting when you see everything at an arms length away, but be strong and stick with picking up only what is on your list. Most people find it helpful when they eat before going to the grocery store so they are tempted to grab something they do not need while shopping. If you buy a lot of the same item, check the manufacturer’s website to see if there are any coupons for that brand. Rather than shopping at multiple stores to get the best deal you can even try price matching to get the best deal in the least amount of time. Call your local store to see if they will honor other store’s advertisements.
Cutting Back on Extras
Cable bills have and continue to soar near one-hundred dollars a month and up. However, with so many other options out there you can still see what you want for more than half the price. The major networks will rebroadcast their prime time shows online free of charge; as will Hulu for a small fee. The only major issue with these are the ability to view sporting events, but you can always get together at a friends place or a local sports bar to view your favorite games.
Personal Care:
When it comes to getting professional services like your hair and nails done, consider taking this off your monthly budget by doing it yourself – even host a girls night in as you and your friends drink wine and make time for each other while saving some dough. If the thought of doing your own hair and nails makes you cringe, you can always try to put it off for a little longer so you can shave some visits out yearly.
These are just some of the ways you can make an impact as you begin to live frugally. Keep looking around, as you find that these ways are pretty painless, you will begin to venture out and try other cutbacks as well as you watch your savings account grow due to all of your savings.