Upon a motorcycle accident preserving evidence from the crash can be done using these steps in order to protect your right to bring a personal injury claim. Seeking immediate medical attention, calling the motorcycle insurance company, taking detailed notes about the motorcycle accident, arranging for photos to be taken, repairing with permission, avoiding contact with other driver’s insurance company, if one has crash related traffic fines consult an attorney and finally settling the claim or lawsuit takes about two years are some of the steps taken protect your right to bring a personal injury claim upon a motorcycle accident. Even though the injuries upon a motorcycle accident may appear after some few days or hours seeking of medical attention needs to be immediate.
In order to protect your right to bring a personal injury claim then victims need to have medical records of examination that advocate for this. As soon as an individual gets home then they need to write down all they can remember when the crashed happened.
Writing down what happened in the motorcycle accident should encompass the following; weather, road conditions, what they saw and heard and time of day. Till when one is ready to speak to an attorney then the notes jotted down need to be kept in a safe place. As soon as possible calling of the motorcycle insurance company needs to be done in order to report the crash. Insurance companies need to be asked for the necessary forms to fill by individuals in order to support their claim.
The investigating officer, insurance representative or you as an individual are the ones involved in taking the photos. Photos of your injuries, photos of medical treatment, photos of accident location and photos of the motorcycle these are the most important types of photos to take. The accident location needs to result to pictures that show approaching of each vehicle, any skid marks and any debris left.
Medical treatment photos involves having pictures of you in the hospital with bandages, slings or casts and if walking in aids or wheel chairs if prescribed. Taking pictures of the damage from all angles including the undercarriage involves photos of your motorcycle. Taking pictures of all visible injuries while they are still fresh from the accident is involved in taking photos of your injuries.
By not repairing the bike without permission is the other step to protecting your right to bringing a personal injury claim. Through using their website, motorcycle insurance companies are able to communicate with their clients. Information about the services offered by the motor cycle insurance company is all contained on these websites. Information like the insurance company’s mission and vision statement is found here. Necessary stakeholders like clients and other government regulatory bodies obtain all vital information about the company in the website.